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Blue Bahia Opal - Brazilian Magic

Transparent opal from the heart of Brazil

Blue Bahia Opal is a transparent to semi-translucent variety of opal that occurs in shades of pale blue to greenish-blue. It is the first time a facetable Blue Opal has been discovered.

Because this opal variety is found at a depth of 2.50m, it can be assumed that only a very limited quantity of raw material will ever be found. This makes the stones extremely rare and valuable, and only very seldom found on the market.


Mining and processing

The only known Blue Bahia Opal deposit was discovered in 2003 in the Brazilian province of Bahia near the city of Novo Horizonte. However, it wasn’t until 2006 that the first raw material hit the market. Only about 20% of the raw stones found are clear enough to be faceted.